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 REDUCE WAITING TIME.  INCREASE YOUR PRODUCTIVITY. It is essential that we know that throughout the fusion process, the time we use for each joint is directly linked to the cooling procedures. When we meet the times described in the ASTM standards we will be decreasing the overall productivity of the workplace. Therefore, the most practical method of optimizing the fusion process is to reduce this cooling time. Our Datalogger uses an own cooling algorithm with which it is calculated in [...]

Por |2019-11-14T17:44:03+00:00noviembre 14th, 2019|Uncategorized|Sin comentarios

Want to triplicate Your Daily Welding Output?

Last post, we discussed various fusion standards and how the ISO High Force standard in particular — an option that is achievable with McElroy equipment — can produce twice as many fusion welds per day with less cooling time required. Today, we would like to highlight the McElroy machine features that make the large-diameter pipe fusion process even more productive. These special features allow us to produce three times as many fusion welds a day as other machines using the ISO [...]

Por |2020-07-20T10:15:18+00:00junio 7th, 2018|Uncategorized|Sin comentarios

Want to Double Your Daily Welding Output?

If you wish to double your daily welding, we will explain how. With this machine we can weld the double welding of 250mm pipe lines daily. Over the years as HDPE has been installed in pipelines worldwide there have been numerous welding standards created, almost one for each country, for example UNE, UNI, DVS, WIS, ANSI, ASTM. The ISO standards were created in an effort to harmonize the various standards and create one set that would encompass the best procedures and [...]

Por |2020-07-20T10:15:38+00:00mayo 31st, 2018|Uncategorized|Sin comentarios
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